galston community news

Domestic Violence – ARE YOU SAFE AT HOME?

Many readers would have seen the media reports about the murder of two children by their father in West Pennant Hills last month. It brings to light that domestic violence can happen in any area and in any socio economic group.

As a community we must look out for one another. The days of ‘turning a blind eye’ are over. It’s not meddling if you ask a friend or neighbour if they are OK or if they need someone to talk to.

The Lisa Harnum Foundation was started by local resident, Aileen Mountfield. It supports people who are victims of Domestic Violence.

Domestic Violence describes a relationship where one partner tries to have power and control over the other. Below are SEVEN forms of abuse:

• PHYSICAL ABUSE: pushing, punching, slapping, throwing objects, harming pets.

• EMOTIONAL ABUSE: angry explosions, belittling, criticising, stonewalling

• SEXUAL ABUSE: sexual assault, rape, forcing the viewing of pornography

• FINANCIAL ABUSE: controlling money, depriving partner of money,

• SOCIAL ABUSE: isolating partner from family and friends, jealously, possessiveness

• VERBAL ABUSE: name calling, shouting, swearing, accusing, blaming

• SPRITUAL ABUSE: using religious doctrine to dominate and control, putting down partners faith.

If you, or someone you know, is in need of help please consider using The Safe Room or contact other DV support services such as 1800RESPECT and Lifeline.

The Safe Room is a place where women can confidently and safely access help. Too many women in the Hills district are struggling with issues such as emotional and financial abuse. Even if they (the women) don’t want to pursue the next step at least they are able to download to a professional, such as a caseworker, who can assist women through the tangled mess of accessing help. The Lisa Harnum Foundation will guide, support and provide help through experienced professionals to assist in their own decision making. The Safe Room is located within the Castle Towers Shopping Centre. It is discreet, safe and confidentiality is a priority.

To make an appointment please call 1300 732 848. Your call will go through to our caseworker. The service is free.

Arbor Pride