galston community news

Your Vote Counts

Hornsby Shire Council will be holding elections on Saturday 9 September. This will be the first time since 2012 that all residents in the Shire will have the opportunity to vote.

In 2016 the NSW Government’s local reform impacted the three- ward structure that has been used in previous elections. In May 2016, the M2 Motorway was transferred to the City of Parramatta which has provided new boundaries.

Voting will be for a popularly elected Mayor and three Councillors elected from each of the three Wards within the new boundaries.

Voting is compulsory for all those enrolled in the council area, so now is the time to check that all your enrolment details are up to date. Fines will be issued if you are enrolled and do not vote.

If you are unable to attend a polling place on Election Day, residents may be eligible to vote early via Pre-Poll or Postal Vote. Online voting and telephone voting are not available at this local council election.

Braille ballot papers will also be available for this election and you will need to make a verbal declaration that you are eligible for Braille voting by phoning the NSW Electoral Commission.

Residents also have the opportunity to work at the council election. Working at the election is a great way to earn money, learn new skills and be involved in the community.

Nominations for candidates at the Council election will be open from Monday 31 July until Thursday 10 August. All candidates and groups running for council must also register before they accept political donations or make electoral expenditure, as well as being nominated to be included on the ballot paper.

The NSW Electoral Commission will be managing the election. To check your enrolment details and for everything you need to know about the election visit the NSW Electoral Commission website or call 1300 135 736.