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Your Printer is a Robot, Warning, Warning!

Yes, that’s right, you have a robot lurking in the house. The good news is it’s a benign robot, it means you no harm… it’s your printer!

That said, many people would not agree that their printer is very benign, quite the opposite in fact.

The printer, after the VCR, would be the most hated bit of IT in the house and we exterminated the VCR! And, if you have read some of my very tongue in cheek articles previously, you would know how I feel about them.

But, to be fair, the antics of this much maligned hardware are not usually it’s fault. Here are some examples:

1. Won’t print in black because the cyan is empty. Reason: The ink is a coolant for the printhead, no ink in any chamber and it burns out.
2. Incorrect paper in the printer, even though there are tons of A4 in the tray. Reason: The COMPUTER has sent a request to the printer for a different sized paper, probably Letter sized.
3. Printer is offline according to the computer, but you can see it’s switched on. Reason: The COMPUTER has lost the printer.

Why is a printer a robot? It’s really important to know that the printer never makes a decision, it only does what it is commanded to do. It’s not out to get you!

So, next time you are about to throw a brick at your printer, stop… breath… and think. Or ring me, I am like the NRMA of printers.

Jeff Harper, Cartridge World
Unit 7/5 Hudson Ave, Castle Hill | 02 9659 5366

Saunders Electrical Group