galston community news

Trees for Weeds Programme – 2025

By Barry Lees

Landcare has been running this programme for several years now. Our generous donor is so pleased by what we have achieved that he has donated yet again!  We are able to offer free local native plants to landowners in the rural area of Hornsby Shire, and those in the Hills Shire reasonably close to Old Northern Road. Our aim is to help people who have cleared weeds like lantana or privet, or want to revegetate cleared land, or create a wildlife corridor or plant out their nature strip or anything similar.

If this sounds like you, contact me (Barry Lees) on 9653 3691. If you are not sure what to plant, I can visit your place and advise what native plants would suit your location. They can be trees, shrubs or groundcovers. They will be seedlings in 50mm square tubes, minimum of 40. We will deliver them, you plant them and then return the empty tubes to me at Galston.

The plants will come from local Community nurseries, all grown by volunteers. At Landcare, we are volunteers who are keen to improve the environment, increase biodiversity and provide habitat for local animals. I encourage you to join us.

See our website