galston community news

The winter has been productive for our farmers. They took the extra time available, as the crops grow slowly, to clean up the summer growth, fix fences and gates, organise the shed and plan for the coming season. The good soaking rains before Spring have been more than enough to give a boost to the first planting of warm season crops, which will go in the ground very soon. Once the last frost is gone, the nursery will be full of basil, cucumber, zucchini, and tomatoes and more, we look forward to a change in the rhythm and colour of the farm.

Also in the Spring, we will stir and spread the biodynamic preparation 500. We do this important process to return life and integrity to the soil, as we rely on the soil so much. By using the preparations to enhance soil life, we ensure a healthy and happy farm. This is an exciting time of year for the farm, as we are coming out of the Winter slumber and the soil begins to warm, we are able to grow a much wider variety of crops and flowers, and also make more compost than in winter time.

Right now, we are harvesting silverbeet, coriander, broccoli, fennel, grapefruit, kale, leeks, oranges, parsley, radish, rocket, and salad mix.

The last of the citrus will be picked soon, and the Winter crops will make way for all the salad and fruiting vegetables of Summer. The cool and comfortable working days will become longer and hotter, and the frantic pace of growing will greet our farmers again. Summer is a grower’s favourite time of year – filled with produce, creation, teamwork and lessons for next season.

It is already impossible to imagine the space outside the Farm Shop without the presence of our beautiful flock of hens. They have settled very well into the home built for them last year by Warrah Terry (pictured) and other participants in the TAFE life skills program. They provide so much joy to customers, participants and staff alike.

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