galston community news

Vale – The Late John Albert Leeds

John Albert Leeds John Leeds was a city person but went to school at the Hurlstone Agriculture College and this is where he developed his love of country life.

John was a talented sportsman. He was invited to go to Adelaide by Ian Chapel to trial for a State Team position. John was a talented rugby and rugby league player. The latter code gave him the opportunity to play for the Balmain Tigers in all grades bar their first grade team. He could have made first grade other than his love of his country life and family.

John was a member of Dural Rotary Club and always lived by the Rotary Creed which is “Service above Self ”. John’s community service started with being a Member of the Apex Club, moving across to Dural Rotary as he had become under the Apex Creed an old Rooster at 40! John held many positions within Dural Rotary Club from Secretary, Treasurer, and 3 times Club President.

One of John’s passions was involved with fund raising for the Flying Doctor Service with a yearly car bash to somewhere in Australia which provided much needed funds for the Flying Doctors Service.

John was passionate that Dural Rotary Club supported the Westmead Children’s Hospital Research Dept., searching for cures on childhood diseases that affected our children. We shared many a visit to the Research Dept. to see what wonderful work they are doing.

Both Nina & John were heavily involved with Rotary Clubs Youth Mental Health Forums which we do on a yearly bases for years 10-11 Students in the Hills District. We could always rely on Nina and John to be there early and last to leave.

I could write many pages on all the wonderful Community support John provided for our Club and other organisations. John always went about his tasks quietly and without any fuss, but also ensured the best job was done. This is only a snap shot of John’s Community involvement.

To Nina and the family, our deepest sympathy for the loss of our mate, John, he will always be part of the Rotary Club of Dural, and remembered with fond memories.