galston community news

An Update on Kenthurst Road and Annangrove Road

By Dr Peter Gangemi – Mayor of The Hills Shire Council

Last night at Council, an important Notice of Motion on Kenthurst and Annangrove Roads by Councillor Mitchell Blue and myself was unanimously supported by Councillors.

The motion calls for a report to come to Council outlining options to ease traffic congestion in the area, and for Council to write to the State Roads Minister calling for the upgrade of key roads – with the motion being as follows
1. A report to be prepared for Council on work conducted to date and potential future options to ease traffic congestion on Annangrove Road and Kenthurst Road.
2. A letter be written to the NSW Minister for Roads, The Hon. John Graham MLC, calling for:
a. Annangrove Road to be reclassified as an Arterial State Road.
b. Annangrove Road between Edwards Road and Kenthurst Road to be upgraded to a four-lane road.
c. A bypass to be built around Dural – Round Corner, connecting Annangrove Road with Old Northern Road.
d. New Line Road to be upgraded to a four-lane road.
3. A copy of the above letter be sent to the State Member for Castle Hill.
An Update on Kenthurst Road and Annangrove Road
All Councillors understand how important it is to alleviate traffic on Annangrove Road, Kenthurst Road and New Line Road for local residents of The Hills. With the amount of development being brought to the area in the State New Release areas of North Kellyville, Box Hill as well as in Blacktown Council, the amount of vehicles on these roads will only increase going ahead.
Thank you to our local residents who have contacted myself, the Deputy Mayor and other Councillors on this issue, and please continue to communicate with us. I also encourage residents to write to the State Roads Minister John Graham and the local State MP Mark Hodges, who has raised this issue in Parliament.
I look forward to a report coming to Council in the near future, and as a Council we will continue to advocate to the State Government to help provide the infrastructure our residents deserve.