galston community news

UNSH Autumn Rose Show

A new specialist rose group has started in Galston. Well known radio and television presenter, Graham Ross launched this new group in May, 2017. The group is a regional group under The Rose Society of NSW and meets monthly on the third Sunday, in the afternoon. Galston Community Centre is the home base for UNSH and during the year, meetings are also interspersed with garden visits, “Christmas in July” and visiting Rose and Garden Shows. The membership had grown to 70 household members in this short time and UNSH is having its first Rose Show on Sunday 8th April, 2018 at the Galston Community Centre. Open to the public 11am -5.30pm. Apart from a stunning rose display with exhibitors who enter shows such as the Royal Easter Show, there will Devonshire Teas, light lunches, rose gift stall and Heritage Roses for sale. There will also be 5 separate raffles including a Mollymook Beach House raffle for 7 nights for 12 people.

The meetings have a speaker such as Garden Radio Hosts, Sandra Ross in May and Judy Horton in July. Members also are encouraged to bring their roses (or other flowers in off season) to place on the Show Bench. Others bring their roses to do a “Show and Tell”. Raffles, afternoon tea and bi- annual Neutrog orders with Membership ($30 single; $35 couple)are offered with friendly chatting. Contact UNSH for venue details and times. (Autumn and Winter 2pm ; Spring and Summer 4 pm) There will be NO meeting in April due to the UNSH Autumn Rose Show. Visitors welcome.

UNSH contact details: [email protected] or phone 9653 2202