galston community news
The Village Glenorie


We have started 2020 with a positive start after enjoying a lovely holiday break!

On the first day back without children we updated our CPR First Aid Training and had team discussions in regards to our vision for the centre for 2020 as well as feeling motivated to set up our learning environments for the children to engage in.

Over the first week back in January, the centre also participated in their Assessment and Rating process. We are very pleased to share with our community that we received our results and that the Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate have commended us on our achievements in Exceeding the National Quality Standards and providing quality outcomes for children who are in our care.

The report highlighted our strengths within the quality areas which were; “Our meaningful planning, reflective practice, respectful relationships with children and a willingness to collaborate with families and the community to enhance children’s learning and wellbeing demonstrate the commitment to quality.”

We would like to thank the entire team and our committee here at Galston, for all their hard work and dedication over the past four years. The team has worked collaboratively to strive to provide the best quality care for the children attending and by receiving these results we are inspired to continue to improve on a day to day basis.

If you would like to come and have a look at the centre or ask any questions regarding our Educational Program please feel free to contact the Centre Director Daniela Balmer on 9653 1475.

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