galston community news

TRIUMPHant Walkabout update

One nanna, two parents, three grandchildren, umpteen cans of spray paint and the beast is partially decorated with footprints, still another 50 to go on.

On 25th May we depart Sydney for Adelaide and the start of our 3,800 klm trip to Cairns via as many dirt roads as the organisers could find. With 200 teams, all with similar cars, an array of support vehicles and media personnel we will make a formidable sight advancing on country towns during our journey.

In each town we pitch our tent and celebrate getting our vehicles there in one piece. Once in Cairns the cars are auctioned off with proceeds to the Cancer Council.

Thanks to all who have contributed to the team we have raised the amazing amount of over $7,000. So far the total for the entire group has surpassed the $1 million mark. An amazing effort.

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone for making this event such a success. Follow the event on the Box Rallies website from 27th May.