galston community news

Trefoil Guild donates Memory Quilts to Rowland Village

For the past few months the members of The Hills Evening Trefoil Guild have been busy making Memory Quilts for the residents of Rowland Village Galston. Memory quilts help evoke memories with small activities sewn onto the quilt. These activities involve the senses as well as remembering the purpose of the activity, for example using a zipper to open and close or putting buttons through button holes, plaiting wool “hair” or investigating the contents of a pocket. It has been a delight to work on this special service project as we came up with a variety of activities. Finally with 10 quilts completed some of the members took great delight in delivering and donating the quilts to very appreciative staff of the Mark Donaldson VC House.

The Hills Evening Trefoil Guild is the adult section of the Girl Guides and is open to any woman over 18yrs who has made her promise in any section of the Guide Movement or the Parent Support Group or willing to make the Guide Promise The Hills Evening Trefoil guild area extends from Parramatta up to the Hills District so if you like the idea of combining service to the community with social activities…and we are very social, it is a great way to reconnect with guiding friends with new members warmly welcomed.

We meet on the 1st Wednesday evening of the month at various locations from 7.30 – 9.30, for more information please contact Chris on 0438 767 750. A yummy supper is guaranteed!