galston community news

Thomas James Bridge Update


Work is well and truly underway to repair the historic 1830’s Thomas James Bridge, and surrounding landscape on Settlers Road, Wisemans Ferry.

The area around the site of the bridge, which is the oldest ‘in use’ bridge on mainland Australia, was badly compromised by the recent flooding, resulting in major landslip of the hillside, and complete blockage of the thoroughfare for residents and travelers for an extended period of time.

Joint funding from the State & Federal Government’s recovery program has allowed Hawkesbury City Council to appoint Contractor Delaney Civil to undertake the remedial works to stabilize the adjacent rock face and reconstruct the bridge. The road is open to single lane traffic, but wait times at either end of the work site are fairly minimal.

The engineering involved to rectify this area is quite outstanding and it is a sight to behold how many vehicles and large machinery can fit on this narrow part of the road.

ABC Seamless