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It’s amazing the different styles of Apps that are being created.I have recently found this particular App and those of you who are creative will love it! Even if you are not creative, you will have fun creating and decorating your own pottery. “Let’s create? Pottery”. I purchased the HD version at a cost of $7.99 and I think it is quite good value for money.

It is an easy App to navigate. When you tap on create you find your shapeless clay sitting on a turning potter’s wheel. Then, using your imagination , you are able to create your own pot shape. The aim of the App is to decorate and auction your pots. You are able to purchase colours and different finishes to make your pots more and more detailed. All the buying and selling is fictional and makes the App a little more challenging as the more effort you put into creating your pot, the more it will sell for. There are lots of styles of brushes which give you different finishes from Egyptian, Greek, Celtic, Chinese and others.

This App really made me think about how detailed some Apps have become. Even when the pot is being fired it mimics the look and sounds of a kiln. When the pot has finished being fired, it has a very realistic look.

There are over 2 million Apps available. These are just a few that I have found throughout the years of helping people with their Apple devices and computers.

If you are struggling to understand your Apple device, please give me a call and we can discuss One on One sessions. Debbie on Mob: 0418296217 or email: [email protected]