galston community news


The COVID-19 restrictions delayed a number of scheduled Council briefings. I’m pleased to announce that many of these important presentations are back on track.

The Rural Lands Review is in its final weeks of preparation for public exhibition. Planning control updates, lot size review, expanded land use and village enhancement are just some of the issues expected to be included in the recommendations.

In addition, councillors have heard back from consultants responsible for economic development and tourism initiatives. This work is currently being processed and recommendations will also be made shortly.

We are still waiting on our Employment Lands Review, Playground Strategy and a range of environmental recommendations to be brought before us. We are getting there slowly.

In the meantime Council has launched Hornsby Localised, a free initiative designed to promote business-to-business networking during this challenging economic environment. If you own a local business, make sure you sign up today at

In addition to the new roof on the Galston Reserve picnic shed, I am also pleased to highlight plans to install outdoor exercise equipment around the park to create an exercise circuit. This project is generously sponsored by The Rotary Club of Galston and Bendigo Bank.

The Wal Buckingham Park upgrade in Glenorie remains on track as it enters the design phase. The initial focus is on the Ray Whiteman Memorial Fence. This project has attracted broad community support as a fitting memorial to Ray’s contribution to the community.

We have a long way to go, but if we continue to support each other and to support our local businesses and organisations we will gradually come out stronger as a community.

As always, I’m happy to be contacted in regards to any issues. Please phone me on 0499 004 861 or email [email protected]

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