galston community news


Galston High inducted its new 2021 Student Representative Council (SRC) at a closed ceremony on Wednesday 14th October.

The SRC is the new voice of the school, advocating for the student body. This role includes initiating projects that enhance student wellbeing, raising funds to support these projects and supporting charitable causes in the Galston High School community and beyond. The SRC is drawn from all years across the school, to ensure equal representation. From Year 11, Tahlia Cowan (SRC President), Emily Leventhal (Vice President), Olivia Page (Secretary) and Rheyse Reynolds (Finance) will hold executive roles. Year 10 SRC members are Daisy Alexis, Hudson Copeland, Aryana Jahromi: Year 9 are Isaac Reeves and Serena Engall; Year 8 are KK Karki, Brandyn Burns and Cooper Alexis; Year 7 are Emily Symons, Kollah Cannon, Amelie Reeves, Hannah Loria, Erin Groarke.

Asked about her vision for the SRC in 2021, President Tahlia Cowan said “My goals for the SRC are to encourage student involvement and continue participating in community activities. I believe that Galston High School is one of the best schools in not only our area but across Sydney. I want to help everyone appreciate just how amazing our school is by being a positive part of our community.

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