galston community news

The Land Cookery Competition

Thursday 8th November, 2018 | From 2:00 PM
CWA Galston Branch, Galston Health & Resource Centre
Cnr The Glade & 17 Arcadia Rd, Galston

Each year The Land newspaper sponsors a cookery competition open to the general public residing in NSW or the ACT. Cooking from standard recipes in The Land Cookery Schedule 2018/2019, each contestant has a chance to share in cash prizes and go on to represent at state level.

This year CWA Galston branch has invited local schools to participate in Section 11, Class B of The Land Cookery Competition, Decorated Butter Biscuits for 12 years and under as at 31 March 2019. Four (4) biscuits to be presented, 5cm rounds decorated with 100’s and 1000’s.

Entry and registrations open 2pm on Thursday 8th November. Judging commences 3:30pm. The recipe supplied for Decorated Butter Biscuits on page four of the following link must be used – land_Cookery_Recipes18-19.pdf

Please read The Land Cookery Schedule before commencing your entry –

CWA Galston branch meets monthly at the Galston Health & Resource Centre. Our next meeting is Wednesday 14th November at 10am for a cuppa, followed by lunch and our business meeting. Visitors are most welcome; we would love to see you there.

For more details please contact Jann 0439 222 217 or Pam 9653 1036. Visit our facebook page –