galston community news


The GPA continues to operate as usual through this period. Our meetings continue to be conducted via Zoom, very successfully. That means it is even easier for you to join us at our next meeting from the comfort of your home. See the Zoom details at the end of this article.

Membership renewals are due, and you can renew online at
Hornsby Shire Residents wait with bated breath for the release of the Rural Lands Study We are advised that the Hornsby Shire Rural Lands Study, which was due in March, is in its final stages and will be released soon. Many of you would have attended the feedback sessions run by the consultant, SGS. Some of the key issues that we noted were raised in the meetings were: no wholesale sub-division, anomalies in zoning, better and more options for use of rural land are required and, especially in Glenorie, the issue of decent sized secondary dwellings plus The Hills and Hornsby Councils working cohesively on a Village plan. This will be an important report and we will be sure to promote it for your feedback as soon as it is available. Hopefully it will address our community concerns.

The Hills Local Environmental Plan 2020 impact on Glenorie
It was great to see Glenorie addressed in the Hills LEP and your feedback incorporated, specifically that The Hills will start collaborating with Hornsby when considering the Glenorie Village. For residents who may be affected we note a Preliminary Investigation Area for potential expansion which extends from Schwebel Lane, past Pertaringa Way and into the block that is encompassed by Post Office and Whites Road. Again, the GPA would stress that, to be sustainable, any development needs to open up green traversable spaces. The LEP is available on the council website and if you want to provide feedback, submissions close 7 Aug 2020.

Koalas in Glenorie
Pat Schwartz and her environmental team continue to monitor water quality in the creeks around Glenorie (all A OK) and monitor the return of koalas to the region. Three koalas were detected in our area in July. Calls were recorded at Broadwater and Glenorie and koala scat was found at Garmeyn Lane, Dural.

Proposed mobile phone tower in Glenorie
Julian Leeser MP has been running a strong campaign to improve Telstra coverage in our area. At the same time Optus has applied to place a mobile phone tower at the intersection of Post Office and Cattai Ridge Roads on the site of the Endeavour Energy Substation. One would argue that the site that already contains utilities would be the best, however for residents that live adjacent, it may impact their view. We would urge that if another tower is being added to the area it should support all providers (Vodafone and Telstra) so that there is less duplication of towers in the future, when the equipment can coexist at the same site. Coverage does remain an issue in our area. You can view the DA or provide feedback on The Hills DA Tracker – DA Number: 1616/2020/HA

Endeavour Energy made a great effort to ensure the substation was sympathetic to its surrounds and landscaped the area. The Optus cabin will remove some of that landscaping. Should the tower be camouflaged, should the landscaping be extended around the base? Have your say to council.

Glenorie RSL and improvements
The new outdoor space at Glenorie RSL is really coming along. It is called The Backyard. Get down to the RSL for a drink and a meal, support your local club and check out the improvements. At the time of writing, Glenorie still has had no Covid-19 cases (thank God) and Glenorie RSL are maintaining a very strict safety regime.

Bakery Bus
It has been great to see the progress of the instalment of the Glenorie Bakery Bus, in Rob’s usual style, at Hardware and General, Dural. For residents whose tastes have grown for a bakery coffee and/or pie, you will soon be able to get your supplies on the way to town.

GPA Members will be able to attend the AGM 7pm, 13 August, 2020. If you would like to attend please inform President Di Coxon-Ellis [email protected]. You must be a member to vote.

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