galston community news

The Galston Gala Launches 2019 Concerts

Five programs announced for 2019.

24 March will offer Russian Revelations – music for violin, guitar and piano from Sydney Conservatorium lecturers Evgeny Sorkin and Vladimir Gorbach plus cameos from their star students.

26 May celebrates A World of Music multi-cultural mix: Classical composers visiting exotic ports; crossover styles from other cultures; accordion, harp and other ‘colours’ from leading professionals and Young Performers.

28 July takes a G-for-Galston theme when ARCH Trio perform Germanic gems by Brahms, Schubert and Co, Gershwin, Grainger and Grieg in the rich mix of voice, viola and piano – plus a Young Performer vocal protégé.

29 September sees Paridoro Plus Piano – a Sydney-Brisbane quintet of clarinets, strings and keyboard playing a mix-of-Ms: Mozart, Mendelssohn, Max (as in Bruch) and music from the movies.

On 17 November the Galston Gala in the guise of a Young Performers Awards concert features prizewinners (many of them Hills & Hornsby locals) from leading eisteddfods and competitions – piano, organ, strings and mixed ensembles.

Bookings for 2019 will open 1 December on (search Galston) or phone 0428 248 348 or 0425 339 841 for details and enquiries.