galston community news

The Galston Gala 2018 – Finale Animale

The Galston Concerts 2018 series closes Sunday 18 November with the Galston Gala – this year a Finale Animale – to start 2pm in Galston Uniting Church.

Featured will be French composer Camille Saint-Saens’ famous Carnival of the Animals, popular with young and not so young as a tuneful collection of clever musical portraits.

The March of the Lion is followed by an entourage including elephant, fossil dinosaurs, cuckoo, an aquarium plus more familiar farm chickens and donkeys. The tortoise performs a tongue-in-cheek slow Can-Can dance, a swan glides by and there’s ‘Australian content’ – kangaroos!

The arrangements for strings, piano duet and percussion, will be performed by The Lanyon Trio & Friends, recently returned as featured artists of the 2018 Classics Concerts Cruise.

The church setting made Galston Uniting’s Rev. Geoff Smith the natural choice to guest with the Lanyons to narrate witty verses adapted from Ogden Nash originals.

The Gala also highlights Lanyon’s cruise concerts in a B-for-brilliant theme of music from Bonn, Budapest, Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Broadway. Lighter fare includes a gypsy dance, rumba, tango and a Scott Joplin ‘Mexican’ rag as a complement to great Classics by Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy and more.

For such popular programming advanced bookings are strongly advised on (search Galston) or by contacting Helen Jordan, Promotions Coordinator for the concerts, on 0425 339 841.

2pm Sunday 18 November
Galston Uniting Church, 11 School Road, Galston

Bookings can be made at (search Galston). Enquiries to Helen Jordan on 0425 339 841.