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The Clear Command of God: Be Filled with the Spirit

Every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Every believer is baptised by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13). Every believer is sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). But what is most needed is that every believer should be filled by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).

This is not only the personal need of our heart (if we are honest), but is the command of God. Ephesians 5:18 contains two commands: ’Do not get drunk on wine, …Instead, be filled with the Spirit’. We are horrified by the possibility of the first part – that we should ever become drunk. Are we as horrified by the possibility of our not fulfilling the second part?

The fullness of the Holy Spirit is full control by the Spirit. It is allowing the Spirit to exercise His authority and power in every part of our lives. It will mean Christ being glorified in every area and in every act of service. It is the answer to our need and the fulfilment of God’s purpose in us.

How is it ours?

It is possible to be filled with the Spirit of God from the very first moment of conversion. That is God’s plan. It is possible to be filled with the Holy Spirit after years of failure and defeat. It is possible to be filled again, after having lost the blessing. It is possible to be filled with the Spirit now.

How? First, there must be the desire: ‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst… for they will be filled’. How strong is our desire? Many Christians do not want more than they have now. Do we really want to be filled with the Spirit?

How does a man become a drunk? By thirsting and drinking, drinking, drinking. Nothing else will satisfy him. How does a man become filled with the Holy Spirit? By thirsting! ‘If any man thirst’, Jesus said, let him come to me…. (John 7. 37-38).

Second, there must be a thorough confession of all known sin in accordance with 1 John 1:9, and a confession of your need of the Spirit’s filling.

Third, abandon yourself to Christ. The will must be surrendered. The Spirit must be allowed to enthrone Christ and apply the Cross to the self life.

Fourth, ask and accept. Tell God you want the filling of the Holy Spirit, then believe He has been faithful and has done His part also. Trust Him even if you do not feel any difference. When we have fulfilled God’s conditions, we may confidently expect God to fulfil His part.

How can we keep filled? Our responsibility is to abide, to remain in fellowship with Christ and in obedience to His Word. The wonder is that the Spirit will do this in us if we only yield to Him.

Our yielding should be a daily act, a continuing act. Every morning, let us make ourselves available to Him in sincere surrender and He will maintain us and fill us that day for the glory and praise of Christ.

The Holy Spirit wants to fill us. He wants to take full and absolute control of our hearts. He wants to feel that every part of our lives belongs to Him, no matter what the cost, and that He can do what He wants and reproduce Jesus Christ in our hearts.

Come and find out more at Bible study at 7.30 pm Tuesdays.

Sunday Service: 10.00 am at Glenorie Mission Church 1409 Old Northern Rd.