galston community news

Temporary Road Closure

Council is currently undertaking important work to replace the surface of Withers Road Closure between Mile End road and Annangrove Road. These works are being undertaken at night to minimise disturbance to motorists.

Due to this morning’s heavy rain, Withers Road between Annangrove Road Russell Reserve is closed to all through traffic in both directions. It will remain open to buses, emergency service vehicles and local traffic accessing the businesses near Mile End Road. Traffic control is operating and vehicles are being diverted via Windsor Road and Mile End Road.

These arrangements will operate until further notice and will be reviewed to reflect conditions. Work will continue this afternoon and throughout the night to repair the road and it is planned to reopen Withers Road at 5am tomorrow Thursday 17 March.

Please drive slowly, with caution and follow the direction of traffic controllers. It is recommended that road users avoid this area and use alternative routes.

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