galston community news

Telstra scam

Please be aware the Telstra scam has reappeared in Ku-ring-gai LAC. The most recent incident occurred in early June with an 87 year of female losing a total of $10,000 to the scammer by way of I tunes card purchases.

The vicitm was cold called by a female claiming to be from the Telstra Melbourne office advising the 87 year old Wahroonga woman she had a problem with her internet account and that it could be fixed for a fee. The victim was advised to attend a Woolworths store and purchase 10 x $500 I tunes cards and wait further instructions. If the victim was questioned about the amount of I tunes cards being purchased she was instructed to say they are for presents for her grandchildren. Not being tech savvy or up to speed with frauds the victim attended Woolworths in Hornsby and purchased $5000 wirth of I tunes cards and was indeed questioned by staff about the purchase and responded as instructed.

The female called the victim again requesting the code numbers from the cards which she provided. She was again told to go to 2 other Woolworths and do the same which she did (St Ives and Thornleigh). Again the female contacted the victim requesting the card information. The victim soon after attended Hornsby police station and reported the fraud.

Please as a timely reminder Never respond to call calls of this nature, Telstra, the ATO or any other organisation or collection agency will never ask for I tunes cards as payment.

Also please talk to any elderly or vulnerable people in your circle of friends or relatives about this scam and scams in general and educated them. As we approach the financial year end the scams either by email or phone calls will increase, be aware.

There have been other scam reports from North Shore LAC.