When the temperature goes above thirty degrees, think cool shade. Deep shade under big old trees, and wide verandahs that keep the sun out of the house. You’ll find these around Netherby, the old homestead at Fagan Park.
Old established trees keep the western sun at bay on hot afternoons. Little children can run safely on the wide swathes of grass. Seats under vine covered arbours invite quiet moments immersed in nature. Wide verandahs line three sides of the homestead.
On the eastern side hydrangeas have enjoyed the morning sun and afternoon shade. Through summer they have been flowering, blossoming in pinks, blues and lilacs, despite the hot weather.
On the western side roses that have survived all the trials – drought, rain and Covid neglect – flower on the hottest days, in shades of pink and white. This house and garden were gifted to the people of NSW by the Fagan family.
The house is open every Tuesday and every second Sunday of the month – the garden is open every day. Look for treasures in the garden – the heritage roses are still blooming. Everyone is welcome.
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