galston community news

“If you don’t eat, you don’t poo and if you don’t poo then you die”….true but what happens to all that poo?

Those living in the city or built up areas have the convenience of waste being flushed into a central system but for those in outlying areas installation of an Aerated Waste Treatment System is essential. Some properties still function on a trench system but this approach is being gradually replaced as they are problematic to our waterways.

Generically known as envirocycles , all new builds are required by council to install an Aerated Wastewater Treatment System.

Councils have a strict code regarding installation and upkeep of these systems and once operational they require that the property owner arrange quarterly inspections and servicing from a qualified service technician.

Regular servicing of the aerated septic systems ensures optimal operation with no smells, no floods and aids the irrigation of gardens. If you feed them right and service them regularly aerated septic treatment systems will reward you and your garden with clear clean odourless water.

If you would like the benefit of a well maintained system and are not currently having regular services or if you are discontent with your current service schedule, then Peter will be happy assist.

You can be assured of a reliable, trustworthy and courteous service.

For my information on how the aerated system works please visit my website