galston community news
James Wallace MP

Stirring It Up At Hills Community Care

A new Hills Community Care initiative is giving the gift of independence to a range of Hills residents.

The It’s A Stir program is designed to teach individuals how to cook some simple, fresh and healthy meals at home.

The pilot program was targeted to senior men living alone, while a second series currently underway is aimed at people in the community with mental health challenges.

While teaching residents how to cook is the primary aim of the program, the classes also present an opportunity for increased social interaction.

Hills Shire Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne said she was thrilled to see the program underway.

“As a passionate advocate for mental health issues, I’m really pleased to see that we’re providing this excellent service to our residents,” Mayor Byrne said.

“Hills Community Care provides so many wonderful services, but I think this latest one is really striking a chord with members of our community.”

The first group of graduates – aged between 74 and 93 – gave the class a ringing endorsement.

“I had no confidence in cooking and since coming here and being part of this terrific group with a great convenor, I’ve found it excellent and it’s given me the confidence to be able to take home the recipes and go home and try it out,” 83-year-old Patrick Keating said.

“I thoroughly recommend it, because it gives you independence and the opportunity to come and share ideas with the guys in the group.”

For more information for all services offered by Hills Community Care, please contact Council on 9843 0555.

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