galston community news


Australia is free of many of the pests, weeds and diseases found in other parts of the world. The government wants us all to help keep it that way to keep food supply and native animals and plants safe.

In this area, we are away from the main container terminals and airports, but pests can travel in many ways. Some have been here a long time like foxes, others are moving towards us like Red Imported Fire Ants, which are causing $ billions of damage in the US.

Most people in this area don’t like the foxes which kill the native animals and our poultry unless we lock them up at night. But some people here have been feeding foxes, how cute. There are websites and apps for reporting not only foxes, but a large range of other pests as well. Anyone seen any feral camels here? See:

FeralScan Pest Mapping app on Apple and Android

We can all contribute to periurban biosecurity by:

• Taking steps to prevent pests, diseases and weeds from coming in and spreading

• Not bringing things back from interstate or overseas that might create a risk

• Keeping an eye out for pests, weeds and signs of disease

• Protecting your own and your neighbour’s properties

• Reporting anything unusual, if possible with a photo

Obviously the hard part is identifying the pests, who would recognise the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug or the Yellow Crazy Ant? These and others may be seen and reported on the NSW website: Or report a pest or disease:›pestsdiseases-weeds›report

Exotic Plant Pest Hotline: 1800 084 881 (plant pests and diseases, weeds and bees). Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline: 1800 675 888

For human pests, best to phone the police.

If you would like help or further information, contact Nick on 9653 2056, via email [email protected] or visit Still Creek Landcare at and on Facebook.