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Still Creek Landcare: Peoplecare Not Landcare

I know this is off topic but I think it needs to be written. At Landcare, we know we need people to care for the Land so here’s my offering to keep you safe.

The final straw that triggered me to write occurred after I startled a person as I passed in my car. They were walking along the road, pushing a pram, earphones attached and gazing at their mobile phone. This activity in itself isn’t my point, although I don’t understand why people go for a walk and not look up.

So to explain, I’d like you to understand where I’m coming from. So picture this.

When I was a young and impressionable child attending Arcadia Public we had 3 classes of children were being taught in a single classroom, most roads were dirt and occasionally someone would ride a horse to school.  Most children made their own way to school.

We had a class lesson which taught some basic common sense ways to walks our narrow roads that stuck with me. Something I believe we need to remind ourselves of and pass on to our neighbours who may not have attended such an enlightened school.

The lesson we were taught was really quite basic. If you don’t have a footpath or track… WALK ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD THAT FACES THE ONCOMING TRAFFIC.

I know this may seem counter intuitive to most drivers and pedestrians who are more used to pathways but bear with me.

If you walk facing the oncoming traffic,
• everyone will have the best chance for the earliest eye contact.
• drivers will be less stressed knowing the pedestrian has seen them.
• Pedestrians will have more warning and a better chance of avoiding a heart attack.

In an age of Mobile phones and Earphones it’s all the more important.

Image by V. Ivash from

I am reminded of why I needed to write this nearly every day when I see children walking home from school. I feel compelled to pull over and let them know the safest way to share our roads. BUT I don’t think many people would take kindly to some old coot pulling over and telling them where they should walk for their safety, so for my own well being I resist the urge.

Hence, I write in the hope offence isn’t taken and Landcare will have volunteers alive, healthy and unstartled to help care for our land and waterways into the future.

Additionally, I’d like to hear from our equestrian fraternity on this subject. I’m not sure which side of the road would be safest from their perspective.

I reckon the CARE in LANDCARE is all about caring for each other as much as caring for the environment. Thanks for Reading. – NICK CHARTORISKY

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