galston community news


Landcare is unique grass-roots movement that was started to tackle the degradation of farmland, public land and waterways.

The movement has expanded and evolved over the years. It’s developed expertise across a variety of landscapes on best-practice sustainable agriculture and expert management of natural assets such as soil, water and native vegetation.

Caring for the land includes a range of activities such as:

• sustainable farm practices
• restoring native habitats and revegetation
• controlling weeds and pests
• developing and sharing local natural resource management skills and knowledge.

So after some of the largest Bushfires in modern Australia’s history, Landcare’s relevance is more important now than ever before.

Be assured that the decades of experience shared by the 5400 and more groups and their 100,000 plus volunteers will provide an invaluable resource in recovering after the bushfires.

In my opinion, one of the greatest achievements of the Landcare movement is in Community building, working with your neighbours on a common goal and pulling together to achieve it.

So please, call on your neighbours and talk. Remember what you do on your land can and often does impact your neighbours whether your neighbour is next door or downstream and out of site. Take the time to talk to your neighbour, maybe identify a shared problem and work together to find a solution. Even if you think you don’t need help, you might be surprised that there is a better, more efficient ways of achieving your goals. So call upon your neighbour, they might just have the solution and helping hand you need and please don’t be shy to ask advice or an opinion from your local Landcare Group. Landcare has a vast amount of experience and if your local group doesn’t have the help you need, their network probably will.

We all have a role in looking after ‘our patch’ to ensure the land and water we use for agriculture and our natural environment is healthy and sustainable for generations to come.

If you would like help or further information, contact Nick on 9653 2056, via email [email protected] or visit Still Creek Landcare at au and on Facebook.