galston community news

Still Creek Landcare Making a Difference Locally

Crofton Weed is about to shed its seeds again

Last month, we talked about how to go about improving an area of land full of weeds: clearing privet by taking it in small steps. Our Landcare group did something similar in 2012 on a weedy horse paddock.

We made a difference by taking relatively small steps: we can see in the photo that we have trees up to 8 metres high in less than 5 years. We now have a small native plant corridor partially linking two good areas of native bush. This is how we did it:

– Fenced off an area 110m by 11m and cleared some of the weeds with Landcare volunteers

– Planted with community volunteers, 200 trees and shrubs donated by Hornsby Shire Council – With Landcare volunteers, we watered and cleared weeds as the trees grew

– Occasionally weeded and checked fencing Does help now exist locally for us on our blocks of land? Yes:

– Still Creek Landcare can advise on what to do about weeds and what to plant

– We can provide native plants thanks to a donation by a member of the local community for people with suitable land and motivation

– We have working bees when we help fellow members weed and plant

Interested? If so contact Barry on 9653 3691 or Facebook