galston community news


Mackellar poem “My Country” written in the first decade of last century. Just a few lines:

I love a sunburnt country
A land of sweeping plains
Of rugged mountain ranges
Of droughts and flooding rains
For flood and fire and famine
She pays us back threefold

Last year in our Trees for Weeds project, we distributed 4014 native plants to 38 local residents who were working to restore native habitat on their properties.

This year, thanks to a generous donor, it’s on again: Trees for Weeds Encore: not just free native plants, but advice on where and what to plant and how to plant them. Local species will be recommended because they survive better here.

Fires have been more intense since the indigenous mosaic burning practices ceased. But now with climate change, they will likely become more intense in future years. For long-lived trees, some consideration will be given to more resilient species.

If you have not participated, call us to find out more. If you have previously had native plants from us and some have died from drought or washed away in storms, contact us again to top up.  I hope Mackellar is wrong about the famine.

If you would like help or further information, contact Nick on 9653 2056, via email [email protected] or visit Still Creek Landcare at or on Facebook.