galston community news


2017 saw Circular Keys Chorus named Australia’s champion small chorus at the Sweet Adelines Australia Convention in Perth, which earned us the right to travel to St. Louis, Missouri in October to compete in the Sweet Adelines International Harmony Classic competition.

The Harmony Classic competition is made up of the top scoring small choruses and midsize choruses worldwide (from the Regional Contests held the previous year). Circular Keys Chorus will be competing in the small chorus division, with 40 members on stage.

Before we jet off to the States, we will be performing our contest package in a farewell show at Hornsby RSL on 8th September, along with numbers from our diverse repertoire.

We will be joined by Alouette Quartet and Sydney Harmony.

We would love to see you at Hornsby RSL for an evening of a cappella magic and entertainment.

St. Louis will be Circular Keys Chorus’ third time on the international stage at the Sweet Adelines International Convention.

It will be our first time competing in the Harmony Classic competition which will see us put on stage a 15-minute entertainment package.

We have worked hard this year and had lots of fun finetuning our contest package with many great coaches, along with fundraising activities and performances.