galston community news

St Benedict’s Fete – A huge success

We were blessed with brilliant sunshine for our fete on Sunday 11 March and it was a
wonderful community event. The chocolate wheel span right through the day,
dispensing prizes to lots of happy winners. The cakes were snapped up – our home
bakers have a great reputation – and happy shoppers bought craft items, second hand
goods, plants, fresh flowers. All were donated by much-appreciated supporters from
near and far. Thanks to all the donors and to the people who worked to make the fete
such a success.

Food on the day was yummy, the kids’ activities and treasure hunt were well patronised
and probably the most popular stall was the gigantic fruit and vegie tent.

Then there was the raffle. The lucky first prize winner will be enjoying a week away in
Hawk’s Nest sometime during the year but possibly most interest was in the second
prize. Donated by the monastery, this was a young Limousin steer named Origen.
Origen (pictured) was born in January and was won by long-time parishioner Leonie
Miller. The monastery has offered to keep Origen and Leonie will have the fun of
watching him grow up.

ALPHA talks

A series of talks called ALPHA will begin in the parish in May. ALPHA will be of interest
to anyone who wants to more deeply explore their Christian faith. If you would like to
know more, please contact parish priest Father Bernard (0416032497) or parish
secretary Sandra (0410587735).

Project Compassion

Once again this year during Lent, the period leading up to Easter, parishioners took part
in Project Compassion. Project Compassion is a donation program that assists
disadvantaged people around the world. A typical example whose story is told on the
Project Compassion box is Janaki from Nepal who was helped to begin her own
successful sewing business.

Weekend Mass Times
St. Benedict's Catholic Church Arcadia; Mass at the Monastery, 121 Arcadia Rd,
Arcadia, at 7 am every morning. Mass at the Parish Centre, Corner Fagans Rd &
Arcadia Rd 7 pm Saturday, 9 am Sunday.