galston community news

So Many Meanings

I truly admire the families who have come to live in our beautiful country of Australia and who take time to learn our language. Their young people learn English at school while their older family members go to TAFE to study English as a Second Language for two or maybe even three years. They work hard  to read and write English as well as learn to communicate through oral conversation. This surely must take lots of initiative, patience and concentration.

How confusing it then would  be, to come across homophones! These are words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings.

On our GCC noticeboard at the moment,  (corner of Munros Lane and Old Northern Rd), we have a sign that uses homophones:

Jesus tells us in the bible that ‘God makes His SUN rise on the evil and on the good and sends RAIN on the just and the unjust.” ( Matthew 5:45)

So we understand that God created the seasons, the sun, moon  and  stars. Sunrise and sunset, sprinkling rain and thunderstorms are all part of His Creation for us.

– AND the bible also tells us that Jesus Christ “will be great and will be called SON of the Highest…and He will REIGN forever and of His Kingdom there will be no end.” ( Luke 1:32 33).

As we celebrate the season of Easter, let’s think about and remember Jesus, the Son of God who reigns.

God says to you, “Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.”

May God bless you.