galston community news

Small Businesses On Mark To Ready, Set, Grow

98 per cent of businesses in The Hills are classified as small and for many operators, there seems to be little time to think strategically and take advantage of the many opportunities on offer.

The Hills Shire Council has teamed up with Rapport Leadership International to present a series of half-day workshops for small businesses designed to help them put together a comprehensive business plan and give them tips on how to apply for Government funding.

Hills Shire Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne said the ‘Ready, Set, Grow’ workshop series would be a valuable tool for businesses.

“It’s great to have Rapport Leadership International CEO Jeremy Carter on board to present this fantastic series for businesses,” Mayor Byrne said.

“The series will cover how businesses can apply for funding, grants for training, developing business plans, developing three-year forecasts, measuring KPIs and much more.”

Mayor Byrne said that while small business operators often get caught up in the everyday grind, taking time to step back and think strategically was vital.

“For small business operators, it’s often hard to find the time to get away from the day-to-day demands of running a business,” she said.

“But time needs to be taken to step back and have a look at the bigger picture.”

“This is an opportunity not to be missed. I encourage Hills businesses to find out more about this excellent workshop series.”

Ready, Set, Grow workshop series
When: 9am-12.30pm on Thursday 7 April, Tuesday 10 May and Thursday 16 June
Where: The Hills Shire Council, 3 Columbia Court, Baulkham Hills