galston community news

Why Jennifer Taylor has Partnered with Skinb to create a New Skincare Product Made From Grass Fed Tallow

Galston local Jennifer Taylor wanted to create a skincare product which was free of toxins and harmful chemicals.

I’ve lived in Sydney for my whole life and I have worked in the beauty and fashion industry for many years. I never gave a second thought to the chemicals I was using daily on my skin or at work until I reached my late 40s. I recently became inspired by Cherith, a former party girl turned health guru, who educates her Instagram followers with natural beauty solutions. Cherith the founder of skinb, was actually looking to source a reputable local 100% Grass Fed and Grass Finished Beef Tallow, and when we met it was almost an instant decision for us to collaborate.

I had a life changing experience in 2023 when I nearly lost my life to cancer and a brain tumour, and it was through this experience that I became more and more aware of the links of toxins in food, cosmetics and household products to diseases such as cancer. I have been committed to take better care of myself, and I’m growing in wisdom and knowledge to make better lifestyle choices in the hope that I can be around for my family longer and to teach my son and daughter to make better lifestyle choices too.

I began wanting to eat more organic, unprocessed food and drinking filtered water – clean eating was now a huge desire for me so it was a natural progression to want to eat our own farm produce. I started the process to bring beef back from our farm and in a format that was useful to the community. We now have a growing group of local customers from Galston, Arcadia and Glenorie enjoying our grass fed and grass finished beef.

The next challenge was to consider natural cosmetics and to source products that were going to benefit my skin and overall health. It was a chance meeting while on holidays that I met Cherith and together we shared of our passions for clean living. Cherith has been on a journey to discover natural ingredients and how to blend them up to offer real natural beauty solutions. We are both in our late 40’s and now recognise how important it is to NOT to use products with toxins that can disrupt hormones.

It was a pleasant surprise to discover that beef tallow is actually a really good solution to use as a cosmetic.

Part of my research has led me to be motivated to go back down the ancient paths for truth and to go back to basics with simplistic skin care, taking the wisdom of our ancestors and seeking to use a product that is good for both inner and outer beauty.

Tallow is made from animal fat which is rendered (or cooked down) into a purer form. Tallow itself is not a new innovation: it’s been used in cooking for centuries, and medicinally by the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks.

Taylor Grass Fed Tallow comes from the fat from the cows I see grazing in the hills at the farm. I know exactly which blades of grass they have been fed and raised on. Fat from grass-fed cows is the most nutrient-dense fat there is as it’s packed with nutrients, vitamins A, D, E, K and B12, plus Omega 6 and 9 – you just can’t get these from plant-based creams. And because the fat has such a similar fatty acid profile to the sebum in our skin, it’s as though our skin recognises it and absorbs it, leaving no greasy feeling which surprises many people.

Both my daughter and I have been using it for weeks now and we are amazed at how soft it makes the skin. My friends and family love it too – and even my husband is willing to use it. From this point, knowing this is a 100% natural product, I am pleased to introduce Taylor Grass Fed Tallow X skinb blend and make it available to anyone who wants to use a clean, natural moisturiser.

The product is launching late February and is available for preorder now at Taylor Fine Foods. If you would like to smell and try the new Vanilla Tallow I will be available at Sugar Salt Cafe, Galston on Saturday 8th February between 9:30am-10:30am.