galston community news

Significant hazard reductions burns planned for the week ahead.

NSW Rural Fire Service (NSWRFS) crews supported by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service & Fire & Rescue NSW plan to use favourable weather conditions expected over the next week to undertake a number of significant hazard reduction burns across the Northern Beaches.

Friday afternoon will see the commencement of a 141 hectare hazard reduction in the Davidson Valley between Davidson and St Ives. This burn will continue throughout the weekend.

Saturday morning will see a 1.2 hectare burn undertaken at Elizabeth Park on Scotland Island.

Saturday morning will see the commencement of a 10 hectare hazard reduction off Southern Cross Way, Allambie Heights. This burn is expected to continue throughout the day and will be patrolled over the weekend.

Monday morning will see the commencement of a 310 hectare hazard reduction in the Ku Ring Gai
National Park near West Head. The hazard reduction will continue through until Wednesday evening.

Members of the public can expect to see significant amounts smoke whilst these hazard reduction burns are undertaken. Fire crews will be supported by helicopters throughout these operations.

burns are undertaken. Fire crews will be supported by helicopters throughou

‘Whilst we are expecting warm temperatures over the coming week, recent rain has left moisture in the bush, creating suitable conditions to undertake these important hazard reduction burns’ said Superintendent Craig Geddes, NSW RFS District Manager.

Residents and visitors are reminded to only call Triple Zero (000) if they see a fire without a fire truck in attendance.

For up to date information on NSW RFS hazard reductions and how to reduce the impact of smoke on your property visit