galston community news

Shave for a Cure event at Rodney’s Hairstylist Galston

On Saturday March 18th locals came together to support other locals in Shaving for a Cure. Torie originally approached Rodney’s Hairdressing to ask if they would do her shave with a couple of friends in attendance, however, Cameron, Kylie and the rest of the team suggested making it a community event. Torie had initially targeted to raise $1500, which she had just achieved prior to the event. In just over an hour and a half $1800 was raised at the salon despite the wet weather. She more than doubled her target. Her inspiration is a good friend who has been diagnosed with Lymphoma and was in attendance at the event. An extra cash donation were offered by a friend to do the first shave.

When another young local heard of the shave, he also thought he’d join and shave as well. Zach, a Galston Public School student, had also neared his target and when mum Rebecca heard of the event at Rodney’s she asked if he could be involved in the event. Zach emphasizes the positives of the youth of today, with his attitude, selflessness to commit to the shave Raffles, auction and lucky dips all helped to raise funds and awareness of blood cancers in the community and these types of events show what a great, supportive community we have at Galston. The staff of Rodney’s and Beauty by Grace donated not only their time and expertise but also prizes, food and beverages for the event.