galston community news

Sewage Pumping Issues at Glenorie and Galston

During the recent rain events, residents at Galston and Glenorie were awoken at 4am in the morning, but a number of pump alarms. Residents continued to experience pump alarm problems for several hours. Sydney Water were called and attended to site to try and resolve the issues. We also understand that some residents did experience ‘back flow’ issues with water rising from their toilets.

We contacted Sydney Water for an explanation of the issues residents faced. This was their response:

A Sydney Water spokesperson said:

“Due to the excessive rainfall in the early part of March, it is likely that a large amount of stormwater entered the Galston and Glenorie wastewater system. The extra stormwater flows in our system and the pressure sewerage equipment on each customer’s property, caused the alarms to activate.”

“When this occurs, customers are encouraged to call Sydney Water on our 24-hour emergency number, 13 20 90, so that we can send out a technician to investigate the issue.”

“Sydney Water is undertaking further investigations to determine how stormwater is impacting our wastewater system and to implement measures to reduce the amount of rain water entering the system.”


• Sydney Water provides wastewater services to about 630 properties in Galston and Glenorie. The villages are serviced by a pressure sewerage system, which collects wastewater in a small tank on each property connected to the system and pumps into Sydney Water’s network.

• The equipment on each property includes an alarm to alert customers if there is an issue with the system. Alarms are used for all Sydney Water owned pressure sewerage system equipment across greater Sydney.

• Eligible properties that are connected to our pressure sewerage system were provided with a home owner’s manual as part of their connection kit. The manual outlines how the pressure sewerage system works, how to use it safely and what to do in an emergency if the alarm activates.

• Stormwater is getting into Sydney Water’s wastewater pipes in Galston and Glenorie during heavy rainfall. The information Sydney Water gathers from further investigations will help to improve the operation of the pressure sewerage system and reduce wastewater overflows on properties due to wet weather.

• The Galston and Glenorie Wastewater Scheme was designed to include the 24 strata units that will be connecting in Glenorie. The design also includes a nominal allowance for future development within each village. Any new development application for properties within the serviced area must be assessed through Sydney Water’s E-Developer process.