galston community news

Service Of Remembrance For Families And Friends Of Children Who Have Died Or Are Missing


St Matthew’s Anglican Church West Pennant Hills (cnr New Line Road & Castle Hill Road) is holding its annual Service of Remembrance for families and friends of children who have died or are missing on Tuesday December 1 commencing at 7.30 p.m.

The aim of the service is to provide hope and support for the families whose children have died or are missing. It is always difficult living in a world without one of your children but on special occasions it is particularly difficult. Christmas is a very special occasion, it is a time of celebration – a time when families come together. This can cause a family whose child has died or is missing to feel quite isolated, quite alone, even in the presence of friends.

This year’s service will be a hybrid format offering the service on site and online.

On site: St Matthew’s Anglican Church, Cnr New Line Rd & Castle Hill Rd, West Pennant Hills


Our desire is to have the children of each one of you recognized. To enable this, this year instead of placing flowers, the names and ages of the children who have died or are missing will be read at the service and will also appear on the screen. To have your family included please email the full name/s and aged to [email protected] or call 9479 3700 as soon as possible

Representatives of several denominations will be participating in the service.

Following the service a COVIDSafe supper will be served. This too has proved to be a wonderful time of fellowship as people who have never met before gain comfort from being with and speaking with those who share that common bond – the love for their children.

Anyone is welcome to join us for the service – those who have lost a child, friends of those who have lost a child, those who would simply like to support the service.

St Matthew’s phone 9479 3700
[email protected]

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