galston community news

Salvation Army Australia

The Salvation Army Australia- wide has a new Vision Statement: We love God, love people, believe everyone needs community and are so thankful for the many others who partner with us in this.

Community Corner
Our Dural Family Store has now set up a “Community Corner” which is a space to connect, chat, have a cuppa with some of our local Salvos and each other. The Salvos believe in Community and this is a space that we believe will really add to our ministry that is all about people and the already thriving Family Store. This space will also be used as a meeting place for special events Eg. Children’s Storybook Times, Ladies’ Shopping Nights for a Cause’ & National Op Shop Week talks & workshops.

‘Ladies Shopping Night for a Cause’ 10th May
The Dural Store will also be hosting its first ‘Ladies Shopping Night for a Cause’ Thursday 10th May 7pm – 9pm. Door Entry $10. This is a great night for women to come and enjoy a night of shopping, a yummy supper and this event will be supporting the Salvo Women’s Project focus – SIMBA.

“The SIMBA project aims to educate whole communities about the signs and dangers of human trafficking and teach people how to avoid being trafficked and how to report trafficking attempts. Over 2,000 adults and children will be trained to train others. Rights of Children (ROC) clubs are being set up in schools, providing children with a space and platform to air their views, to be role models and to learn to speak confidently with adults”. (

Our Salvos’ Red Shield Appeal 26- 27 May
Our Salvos’ major fundraiser, the Red Shield Appeal is fast approaching! Dural Salvos will be out and about in local shopping centres, and doorknocking the Dural, Galston, Glenorie, Kenthurst, Castle Hill and other areas. We need you! It’s a great week and a great way to volunteer a few hours of your time. Come on your own, make it a family time, bring your friends!

This Appeal brings thousands of volunteers together to give a few hours of their time to help raise funds to support the essential services that the Salvos provide for those facing homelessness, financial issues, domestic violence, recovery services, chaplaincy, refugees and many other services.

If you would like to Volunteer for the Salvos, call Dural Salvos, Major Karen on 02 9651 3456. You can also leave your name and number in store or sign up on our Salvos’ Website.

STOP PRESS: as a thank you to all our valued customers, we will be holding another STOREWIDE HALF PRICE DAY on the last day of the month, Thursday 31st May. Be early for bargains across all departments.