galston community news

Rural Roundup: Hornsby Councillor Warren Waddell

With predicted hot weather over the break, it was terrific to have the Galston Aquatic centre open for business. Although the official reopening is on Saturday 3rd February, we welcomed the opportunity to provide access over the holiday period. I look forward to the resumption of all activities now we are into the New Year.

With construction access no longer a requirement from Galston reserve, the third outdoor gym station will be scheduled for installation. This will complete this popular circuit.

Elsewhere in the area, upgrades have been scheduled to school crossings at both School Rd Galston and Tecoma Drive Glenorie. These improvements will ensure safer crossings for children accessing their school at these locations.

Workshops continue to take place in Wiseman’s Ferry that focus on recovery and building resilience to severe weather and flood events. This grant funded pilot program seeks to adopt a community led approach to resilience and recovery. To participate or make a comment please contact Lana Frost on 9847 6549 or [email protected]

Looking ahead…

  • 2024 will see a strong focus on improved public domain, led by the current project to upgrade public spaces in Galston village.
  • Gateway signage has been rolled out across the shire, but more work needs to be done in improving first impressions at these key locations.  In particular, resolving the jurisdictional issues over the number of State-owned roads and roundabouts that feature prominently in all our villages.
  • I will continue the investigation into a fixed location for a mountain bike skill track. Along with funding options for a completed footpath from Galston to Dural. There will be plenty more to report on but for now, I wish everyone a healthy and prosperous New Year!

As always, happy to assist with any issue via the contact details below. [email protected] | 0499 004 861