galston community news

Hornsby Council has always provided an efficient response to graffiti. However, when graffiti appears on property that does not belong to Council the odds of its removal are considerably less. There has been an increased incidence of graffiti on assets belonging to other authorities such as the RMS, Water Board, Ausgrid and, of course, private property. This month Council resolved to act directly on all reports of graffiti, even for property we are not responsible for. Council will identify the owner of the targeted surface and contact them to so they can carry out removal. We will then follow up to make sure it occurs. Essentially, we are becoming the central switchboard for graffiti removal in the Shire.

Another issue that frequently frustrates residents of the rural area is the process surrounding permits for pile burns and bushfire hazard reduction. This process is now under review and I expect that a more appropriate system will be made available early next month.

In keeping with the broad community support for local drought relief programs, Council resolved to give $10,000 to helping people affected. $5000 will go to charities nominated by our partnership councils, Leeton and Snowy Valley. A further $5000 will be directed to the CWA and the Red Cross, from parking fees raised at Fagan Park through an initiative proposed by Friends of Fagan Park.

With the dry conditions continuing throughout the Shire it could prove to be a challenging season for our valued Rural Fire Service branches. Your local RFS is a great source of information for preparing your property against the threat of bushfire. In addition, consider supporting the RFS by either joining or assisting with their fund-raising activities.

The graffiti hotline is 1800 199 282

Air Perfection