galston community news
By Councilor Warren Waddell

The long-awaited Rural Lands Review has now gone on public exhibition. Residents are encouraged to access the reports on the Council website and make comments by the end of October. They may also be accessed at the local library.

The background report and subsequent summary provide a balanced, evidence-based report that makes a number of recommendations aimed at protecting our rural amenity in the context of a vibrant, sustainable local economy. To the credit of the current Council, this substantial body of work was unanimously adopted at the last meeting.

In addition, the plan for the Glenorie Memorial Hall park (Wal Buckingham Park) is also on exhibition for comment. I also expect to see the plan for outdoor gym equipment located around Galston reserve will go on public display.

Last month we were presented with our consultant’s assessment and recommendations for our shire-wide “play plan”. Council is in possession of many play areas that meet a range of community needs in respect to outdoor play activity. The work presented contains an excellent set of recommendations into how Council best rank, utilise and enhance this critical range of community facilities. In particular, I look forward to further enhancements and an overhaul of the current management plan for Fagan Park.

Still to come is our Employment Lands Strategy that will assist in how we continue to maintain services and employment opportunities within the rural area. Hand-in-hand will be our Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, which will help guide us into sustainable economic activity on the back of our historical and diverse range of rural activities.

As always, I’m happy to discuss these or any other issues at any time. Contact me via email on [email protected] or phone 0499 004 861.

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