galston community news

Vale Ron Parnell

Hills Shire Councillors held a minute’s silence for Baulkham Hills resident and passionate volunteer Ron Parnell who passed away on April 24th, just weeks before his 90th birthday.

The Mayoral Minute read by Peter Gangemi said: “His advocacy for men’s mental health, passion for helping others and drive to try new things are a source of inspiration. It is people like Ron that make The Hills a beautiful, community- centred place to live.

Ron will be missed dearly. On behalf of The Hills Shire, I want to express my deep condolences to Ron’s family, friends and all those who knew him.”

Ron was a much-loved and respected member of Norwest Sunrise Rotary Club, Club President Robert Bredin said Ron was living proof “that your biggest impact in the world can come after your retirement.”

Born on 6th May 1934 in country NSW, Ron was the youngest of 7 children. Ron and his wife Barbara raised four children in North Rocks. Ron sold his successful local tennis coaching business at the age of 63 and then enrolled to study at the University of Western Sydney achieving a Master’s in Applied Science, with a Major in Cultural Action.

Ron was devoted to improving men’s mental health and worked tirelessly to that end. As a result of his university studies he established the MISTER Newsletter (Men’s Information Sheet to Every Region) at the age of 65 to start discussions about men’s mental health.

The monthly newsletter was sent to 400 subscribers from Australia, New Zealand and abroad and included information about health issues, practising self awareness and support services.

He also set up Older Men’s Network Incorporated (OMNi) chapters to provide a regular meeting space for retired men to meet and to lessen the effects of isolation, one running in Epping for 25 years and one in Castle Hill.

The Hills Older Men’s Network (OMNi) at Castle Hill was set up with the support of Norwest Sunrise Rotary Club Ron and meets on the first and third Monday of the month at Castle Hill Senior Citizens Club.

Ron was also the driving force behind the annual Norwest Sunrise Rotary Club’s Mental Health Expo and founded the Men’s Carers Support Group, which meets monthly in Seven Hills.

He was 70 when he started acting with the Castle Hill Players.