galston community news

Report of Glenorie Progress Association Meeting on 14 November 2017

Major points arising from the November meeting of the GPA were as follows:

1. Boral will be providing a written response to the residents’ concerns relating to the intended upgrade of the concrete batching plant near the corner of Schwebel Lane and Old Northern Rd.

2. Street speed limits: a number of letters had been received calling for the imposition of appropriate speed restrictions on our unmarked suburban roads and more were expected – all letters will be forwarded to the authorities with copies to our local members.

3. The Chair provided a summary of his assessment of the implications for Glenorie of the latest Greater Sydney Commission report and noted that the issue will be addressed by the Planning Subcommittee at its meeting on 28 November.

4. It was agreed that the most important decision yet to be made was for residents of and around Glenorie to decide what it was they wanted for our community.


Go online and read what the GSC says about Glenorie. The GPA thinks it can be boiled down to this:

1. Residential development in and around Glenorie is not to be encouraged.

2. Agricultural operations are to be encouraged and protected from “urban sprawl”.

3. The opportunities for further expansion of the Glenorie Village and subdivision of existing acreages are therefore limited.

If you agree with this approach, that is good. If you disagree, write to the GPA explaining why. The GPA cannot represent the residents’ concerns if the residents don’t tell the GPA about their concerns.