galston community news

Recovery Through Support

By Councilor Warren Waddell
Needless to say it has been a very difficult time for residents of the rural and river land areas. A generally wet summer, highlighted by periodic torrential downpours, has tested all of us in one way or another. Especially, those in flood prone locations.  Recovery Support

The impacts of these conditions have varied from road closures, disruption to ferry services, flood damage to Local and State infrastructure and of course, a great deal of private property impacts.

There is a range of assistance programs in place, especially for the Wiseman’s Ferry precinct. I encourage all residents either business or residential that have been negatively impacted by flooding to seek details using the following contact numbers:

Federal assistance initiatives – Ph: 180 22 66
Service NSW State initiatives – Ph: 13 77 88
Local Government – Ph: 9847 6666

It should also be noted that an official recovery centre has been established at The Retreat, 556 Old Northern Rd Wiseman’s Ferry. The centre is manned 10 – 4 Mon – Fri, 10 – 2 Sat.

At the time of writing Galston Gorge had still not re-opened. Being part of Galston Rd and therefore, a State Rd we have been receiving very little information from Transport NSW.

Only that the damage is significant and requires weeks not days to rectify. Council officers seek regular updates, which will be passed on, but residents are encouraged to also check Live Traffic NSW online for updates.

Recent events only serve to highlight the amazing shire that we live in. The resilience of our community and the support that people have shown for each other has been second to none.

A special thanks needs to go to the SES, RFS, ADI, Council crews, and many other community groups, clubs and volunteers that weighed into the recovery process.  Recovery Support Recovery Support

Thanks to the earthmoving community for helping wherever you saw help was needed and to the businesses that donated generously to the cause in one way or another.

I am happy to be contacted on Ph. 04 9900 4861 or email [email protected] Or check my Councillor Facebook page for updates

Recovery Support