galston community news

Radio Controlled Flying have you tried it?

HORNSBY ELECTRIC MODEL FLYING CLUB (HEMFC) is located inside the eastern boundary of Fagan Park, near Galston. The club has lived here for more than 20 years with thanks to the Hornsby council for allowing us to occupy this corner of Fagan Park.

The club has a 1.28km boundary encompassing 10.7 hectares of beautiful Fagan Park with a few dams and many trees. The pits area is wonderfully shaded, by a copse of trees, for vehicles, people and planes. We have a 148m runway that is 50m wide and all mown lawn.

The club functions very much like a men’s shed, providing a great, stress free atmosphere resulting in much, friendly banter. We schedule no competitions, again resulting in a very peaceful environment.

In providing assistance for newer fliers, many topics of the hobby are covered, like scratch building of your favourite scale plane, model assembly, electric setup, flight setup and well qualified buddy flight training. Buddy flying means you learn faster and your plane survives the flights!

All ages and genders are welcome, from teenagers up to the more stately amongst us! We do have a couple of 80+ members!

As the name suggests, the club is for electric flying only. Everything from the smallest trainer up to 3m gliders, 2m sport, aerobatic and scale planes are flown. We have a few quadcopter and helicopter fliers. Our instructors can help you with all aspects of flying from getting your new plane into the air through to advanced flying techniques.

As a new attendee, you will be offered a few buddy flights by our qualified instructors. Buddy flying ensures the highest level of safety for your plane (and the public). If you persist and become a member, insurance then included, an instructor will train you until you’re considered a safe flier. We also place great importance on adherence to our club rules and safety procedures.

The field is available and attended every day weather permitting. So, what are you waiting for? Come and give it a go…



President – 0417 665 115
Vice President – 0419 143 569
Secretary – 0402 141 151
Treasurer – 0418 451 156