galston community news

Progress on Happenings in the Hills & Hornsby

The GPA’s mission is to be an effective voice for the community, enabling dialogue on matters that directly affect those who call Glenorie home.

As it is important for everyone to be aware of the planning, zoning and land use conditions for the suburb, the GPA aims to ensure that matters that affect the community are professionally articulated, respectfully discussed and, where required, challenged.

We also aim to disseminate the facts available for you to form your own opinions, seeking to bridge the gap between the community, government and the private sector with the intent of ensuring the whole of communities’ interest are wholly represented.

For this we are grateful for communication we have with The Hills Shire Council (THSC) Mayor Dr Peter Gangemi, North Ward Deputy Mayor. Mitchell Blue and Councillors Virginia Ellis & Dr Mila Kasby plus Hornsby Shire Council (HSC) Ward A Deputy Mayor, Warren Waddell, Councillors Tania Salitra & Nathan Tilbury.

The Hills Shire Council Releases Planning Proposal

THSC has released a draft Planning Proposal and Draft DCP for Agritourism in Rural Areas for public exhibition until 22nd March 2024.

The Planning Proposal is aiming to support agritourism and small-scale agricultural development in the rural areas of the Hills Shire. Some of the key initiatives of the proposal area:

1. Permit ‘farm gate premises’ in the RU6 Transition zone – this means buildings or places whereby commercial farm operators can sell their products on a retail basis on their property and can also include areas where food and drink can be consumed & entertainment can be provided. Cellar door premises will also be permissible as a far gate premises within the RU6 zone;

2. Introduce new conditions for ‘farm stay accommodation’ – this is currently permissible in the RU6 zone. The Planning Proposal is seeking to expand the definition to allow for accommodation in moveable dwellings (such as tents and caravans) in addition to accommodation in buildings; &

3. Introduce new conditions for farm gate premises – seeking to incorporate new development criteria for the development of farm gate premises. These criteria do not include numeric standards for gross floor area and number of guests as these standards may have been too restrictive. Rather, they have not included numeric controls and used development standards.

THSC are recommending not to permit ‘farm experience premises’ which would include function centres on RU6 lands in order to mitigate impacts such as noise, traffic, parking and visual impacts.

The Planning Proposal and Draft DCP are available for public comment on THSC website up until the 22nd March, 2024.

What Is In Glenorie’s Future - Ray Whiteman Heritage Fence

Progress on the Brewery for Glenorie
As you may be aware, the GPA has been playing an active role in engaging with community, local government and the applicant in relation to the proposed ‘Artisan Food and Drink Premises’.

The GPA hosted a community forum and consultative discussions with the applicant to ensure local community concerns surrounding the proposal are respectfully and appropriately articulated.

The Hills Shire Council shared their feedback, echoing much of what has been said of the local community including: Inconsistencies between the plans/documentation; Reduced production capacity, Reduced height to comply with the LEP. Reduced site coverage to comply with the DCP, plus amend Parking and vehicular movement, Stormwater & Wastewater treatment & Acoustics.

After considerable dialogue, the amended plans have been resubmitted to Council. Thanks to the applicant for their ongoing open dialogue with the community and its members. The GPA looks forward to reviewing the revised plans.

Go onto THSC DA tracker to view the amended proposal:
Property: 966 Old Northern Road, GLENORIE NSW 2157 Proposed Development: Artisan Food and Drink Premises Application No: 683/2024/HA

New State Government Planning proposals
Changes to create low and mid-rise housing

The proposed reforms seek to:

  • Allow dual occupancies (two dwellings on the same lot) in all R2 low density residential zones across NSW.
  • Allow terraces, townhouses and 2 storey apartment blocks near transport hubs and town centres in R2 low density residential zones across the Six Cities Region.
  • Allow mid-rise apartment blocks near transport hubs and town centres in R3 medium density zones across the six cities region.

This will mean more housing within walking distance from transport hubs, shops, and amenities. It will encourage better uptake of low and mid-rise housing where it is already permitted under the current rules by introducing new planning controls.

The proposed changes were on exhibition for public comment until Friday 23rd February 2024.

Progress on Pavers
Last month we told you all about the pavers that can Make You and Your Family a Permanent Part of Glenorie History – the Single and Double Paver offer – Donation of $100- or more for a Single Paver and $180- or more- a Double Paver.

But we told you that you could Scan the QR code for more information and/or to place your order.

BUT we forgot to include it, so here it is… Any questions that you may have can be addressed via email to [email protected] or go directly to our website