galston community news

Pennant Hills Park Paths

The council is very pleased to announce that Stage 1 of our Pennant Hills Park Path Network Work has been completed and is now open to the public.

The works were undertaken with the aim of improving pedestrian access and safety in different locations including:

Construction of a pedestrian pathway east and south of Oval No.1, along with sandstone block terrace seating

Construction of new pathways near the existing carpark at the netball and tennis courts along the central park roadway connecting the existing path from Pennant Hills Oval 3 to near the Hockey fields and bushland walking tracks beyond

Upgrading the existing section of unpaved parallel parking to paved parking and a separate pedestrian path, providing better connectivity to the tennis and netball facilities

Installation of traffic calming measures, such as additional speed humps and traffic signs

These works are constructed thanks to partial funding from the NSW Government’s Metropolitan Greenspace Program Grant.

Stage 2 works will involve pathway connectivity on the west side of Oval 1 and Oval 2 and are scheduled for construction in the next few months.

You can find more information on Parks and Playgrounds in Hornsby Shire, here:…/parks-and-playgrounds

Pennant Hills Park Path