galston community news

Parkrun Issues Hearty Welcome To Walkers

Winter has waned and the warmer weather is here, bringing the motivation to spring into action, dust off the cobwebs and get moving.

Walking is the perfect way to get started on your spring exercise regime and parkrun, partnering with the Heart Foundation in a campaign to get more Australians walking for heart health, provides the perfect space to get moving.

According to the Heart Foundation, walking for an average of 30 minutes a day can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes by 30 to 40 per cent, with evidence showing the benefits of walking also extend to the brain – improving learning and memory skills and reducing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Walking in a group and with friends is both fun and free and the collaboration aims to connect the Heart Foundation Walking network – Australia’s largest free walking community – with parkrun to encourage walkers to join in at their local free parkrun event.

Heart Foundation National Walking Manager, Michelle Wilson, welcomed the collaboration as both organisations work towards their shared goal of encouraging more Australians to get off the couch and get active.

Mr Oberg acknowledges that for walkers and newcomers, some perceptions about parkrun could be off putting.

Parkrun is a free community event held every Saturday morning at Fagan Park Galston and other local parks around Australia. It involves a 5km walk or run, non-competitive, with the goal to improve on your own recorded times. Pre-register once online, visit

Pat Fedele